EPOS scholarship option for IUSD Double Degree program
The DAAD offers a limited number of full scholarships for students from a wide range of countries (see DAC-List) studying in the Double Degree Program.
The scholarships are provided through the EPOS program and cover the entire duration of the course (including travel costs to both countries). EPOS scholarships are only available for the Double Degree Program, studying the first year in Stuttgart, and second year Cairo.
major requirements:
- Applying for the EPOS scholarship requires at least two years of program related professional working experience after your bachelor degree.
- You need to check your eligibility individually on the DAAD website - EPOS scholarship.
EPOS application
If you would like to apply for the EPOS scholarship, you would have to submit your academic application and documents at BOTH universities through the online portals AND submit the EPOS application and documents until the indicated deadline to the epos email address: epos[at]iusd.uni-stuttgart.de
Please find the list of application documents and application requirements at the DAAD website - EPOS scholarship
The complete application has to be submitted in English to be considered.
Incomplete applications cannot be considered.
If applying to more than one course, please list courses in order of priority in the DAAD application forms and do not change these priorities in the respective application.
When applying for more than one postgraduate course (maximum 3 courses), you have to submit one motivation letter explaining why you are applying for these specific courses and why you chose that priority.
Application and Selection Procedure for the EPOS scholarship:
Step 1: You send your complete application directly to : epos(at)iusd.uni-stuttgart.de.
Step 2: The joint selection committee of IUSD Ain Shams University and IUSD University Stuttgart suggests potential candidates to the DAAD for the EPOS scholarship.
Step 3: The suggested candidates will be contacted by DAAD to upload their complete application to the DAAD Portal.
Step 4: The selection process will be finalized, and the suggested candidates will be informed accordingly.
!!! Make sure that you have a copy of each document of your application ready, as those documents (as PDF files) have to be uploaded to the DAAD Portal in case you are suggested for a DAAD scholarship!
Additional to the academic application at both Universities and the EPOS scholarship application documents, send us the form "EPOS-funded Double Degree" download application form by email to epos(at)iusd.uni-stuttgart.de
Please note: You need both registration numbers of both universities to fill out the form.
This document is NOT the application for the scholarship.
It is just to identify your applications in the two different systems of Ain Shams University and University of Stuttgart.
Scholarships for IUSD Stuttgart or IUSD Cairo
Unfortunately, neither the University of Stuttgart nor the IUSD program can award scholarships directly. Students from previous cohorts have received scholarships from various funders. There are various individual scholarship opportunities through German and international institutions as well as through institutions in the applicants' home countries.
You may wish to apply for a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship. This must be done approximately one year before you begin your studies in Germany through the German Embassy in your home country. Please check the homepage of the DAAD for first information.
Please check carefully whether you meet the criteria of eligibility before you file an application.
Furthermore, the Office of International Affairs of the University of Stuttgart has gathered some information on living expenses and how to find funding for studies: read more here
>> funding sources
We have compiled a list of organizations, foundations, and other funders that may have funding opportunities that are right for you.
Please note: these are links to external websites, we do not guarantee their accuracy or completeness.
All organisations listed have their specific agenda and source of income.
Make sure that you evaluate the organization you would like to apply for thoroughly and identify with their values.
download PDF
other search for funding sources / portals
Erasmus+ Student Exchange
subject to the availability of funding - Changes to the Erasmus program can be made by the DAAD
IUSD Students enrolled at University of Stuttgart and Ain Shams University have the opportunity to benefit from Erasmus+ programme to travel for a One-Semester Exchange at the other university during their third semester. Students will be offered travel allowance and monthly stipend for a period up to 6 months. For more information, please contact IUSD office